Individual & Team Leadership Coaching
I excel at coaching leaders in the following situations:
Role transitions, significantly upping one’s game for new challenges & opportunities, stress management
Transforming challenging relationships and organizational dynamics
Peak performance ~ overcoming problems in one’s leadership style
Succession planning ~ developing successors for future roles
Workflow management, accountability, giving/receiving feedback
Strategic thinking
360 reviews, leadership style assessments & development planning
Leadership Assessments for Selection & Development
Conduct assessments of leadership and cognitive styles for current skill level and future potential as part of a candidate selection or leader development process.
Organizational & Team Culture
Measure and change/track a team’s or company’s culture through the use of Barrett Values Centre assessment instruments, driving organizational change.
CEO Forum
Meeting virtually one hour per month, a curated group of five to six individual leaders come together in a high-trust, confidential, and non-competitive setting. I facilitate sessions in which participants share challenges and advice, cross-fertilize ideas, learn from and deeply support each other.